When you get so baked that your legs won't move. They feel like an astronaut's leg.
"Can you make me a cup of tea?"
"No, I have really bad astronaut leg."
by monkeynuts94 April 1, 2015
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A Japanese woman (or man) who really, really, really enjoys anal sex.
Dude, I was banging this tiny little Japanese girl, and I didn't even know she was a Japanese astronaut. She was basically begging for me to fuck her in her ass. What? Of course I did it.
by Joe Salone September 21, 2010
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Also know as a: rectum raider, ass pirate, burger stealer and can opener. commits acts of atrocious butt love.
"one small step for man..."
"get out of my ass, Mark!"
"oh, sorry"
"goddamn anus astronaut..."
by Dr. Boring May 16, 2006
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A garbage song that deserves to be played at the gates of hell.
Ya bro, that shit is more garbage then “Astronaut in the ocean.”
by Jimbo_bussin69 May 31, 2021
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To use a plastic/latex glove to "fish" the poop out of your ass when constipated, astronaut style.
Oh man, I was so constipated that I contemplated going Astronaut fishing
by DJK707 July 1, 2015
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When two people are bent over ass-to-ass while a third person stands and squats above them (with one foot on each back), thus creating a thrusting motion between the two asses. All of this happens whilst listening to Space Oddity
by The astronaut December 28, 2016
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