1. An organism in which comes from any area / place foreign to the planet Earth.

2. An individual that has immigrated into a country without proper documentation. In other words, an illegal immigrant.

3. A group or individual foreign to one's homeland . (Most commonly described negatively. )
1. "An alien from outer space put eggs in my stomach."

2. "David moved to Croatia illegally."

3. "I do not enjoy the amount aliens coming to our country from Somalia."
by Jagohno November 30, 2020
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A slimy creature that scares little kids.
Kid: Dad theres an alien in my room! Dad: Shut up and sleep!
by Harry07Facts June 1, 2018
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a ship with two people who liked each other at different times
there were rumors about the guy liking the girl in the past, then the girl starts liking the guy years later.
What’s alien?”
A couple ship I’m in.”
by mysocialstudiesteachergotdrip December 30, 2022
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short guys with big heads and ray guns from the Mars
by beefy August 22, 2003
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your Mexican neighbor

Hispanic astronaut

some freaky ass jellyfish from the moon
victor Gonzales was so the first alien to land on the moon
by Kenny Robbers December 14, 2010
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A country, state, city, town etc. where the majority are immigrants, legal or otherwise.
Pedro: Aren't you scared of getting caught by the federally?
Jose: Hell no! This is practically an alienation
by mijema April 17, 2009
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