W + m1 spammers that are annoying to spy players.
dude pyro tf2 is so annoying
by idiot!!!!!!!1! February 16, 2023
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A standalone mod of Team Fortress 2 that removes all the hats, taunts, and non-stock weapons. It adds a tenth class from the original Team Fortress. Mostly popular due to people trying to avoid the bot crisis affecting the main game.
Person 1: Oh hey you're playing TF2.
Person 2: Yeah.
Person 1: Where're all the hats?
Person 2: Oh I'm playing TF2 Classic
by An anonymous editor. July 20, 2021
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when a competitive multiplayer game becomes so old that the only people that still play it are the really really good people so if you want to get back into playing, you can't have fun with it because you just lose every game
person 1: you wanna play tf2, war thunder, splatoon 1, wizard101 PVP, starcraft, mario kart wii online, or turbo kart racers?
person 2: lol nope those all have tf2 syndrome, we're definitely gonna lose
by Bernardo March 23, 2022
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A word in TF2 for When you miss all your shots
Scout: *Misses 6 Scattergun Shots in a row
Team: "TF2 BEEF"
by MousePadKing October 25, 2020
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have always seemed like a strange case to me. On one hand if you like how a weapon works but hate how it looks it's nice to have another option to choose from. But on the other hand, reskins usually look like they would function differently from their counterpart. And I've always thought it would be neat if cool looking weapons like the maul had more of an identity than "Its the Homewrecker but for rich people" So I took a large number of weapon reskins currently available in the game and gave them their own set of stats ranging from "Slightly modified sidegrade to the original" to "Completely new weapon idea that's not balanced at all but a ton of fun."
I cant believe that weapon reskins in tf2 have always been a strange case to him!
by alazypseudonym January 3, 2023
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The FPS game Team Fortress 2 (or TF2 for short) a team based game made by game company Valve in the year 2007. Bots are players controlled by AI. Usually in other games like TF2 bots are implemented by the game creators and are very bad. Though in TF2 bots are made by players and are extremely good and are planted in online servers.

The first bots were rumored to have been seen in 2017 but it was a very small amount. Then in 2020 bots were have said to have grown massively in population.

If you are a new player and have come to this to find guidance I shall tell you some.
Tell tale signs of a bot are usually constant headshots if sniper, spamming annoying music, seeing through spy disguise or invisibility, and spinning in a constant circle.

Now if you start feeling sad and hopeless don’t because the only way to assault the bot crisis and defend TF2 is by each players means. Ways to stop bots is by using the kick vote button in the menu, go on community servers or medieval mode, and etc.

Usually old bots are replaced by new bots when a new wave of bots occurs. Each wave usually lasts for about 2 weeks at shortest and a month at longest.

Currently as of the time I write this which is Nov, 25, 2021 the bot crisis still goes today. So players of TF2 keep on fighting my brothers when we have one TF2 will be Utopia.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done”- Nelson Mandela
TF2 Player: Man the TF2 Bot Crisis still goes on when will it end.
Chad TF2 Player: It shall end when we give up and we will never give up!
by NFT hater November 25, 2021
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The Sniper from TF2 is a playable class in (you guessed it) the team based first person shooter game Team Fortress 2, he falls under the support category in which he supports his team by taking out enemies far away with his sniper rifle, he is also a good counter to heavies in an open area.

Sniper can also be played more offensively by using the huntsman instead of a sniper, by abusing the huntsman’s unpredictable hitbox he becomes a dangerous foe(jk), the huntsman is usually paired with either his regular submachine gun, or his jarate (jar of piss) which causes all hits to be minicrits (if the target is covered in piss).

However, if you’re on a 2fort server it’s an entirely different story, on the average 2fort server all the sniper are either bots, or they’re new to sniper and camp the battlements all game, accomplishing absolutely nothing.

He is almost never alone as there are usually 2-3 sniper in a 2fort server, continuously aiming at the enemy battlements until someone pops their head out, only to miss every single shot, and then killed by the scout who been standing next to them for 2 minutes.
The Sniper from TF2: g’day mate
by Greggyleg April 15, 2022
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