a condition in which a persons arms are shorter than the average reaching well above mid thigh usually seen with taller people (people over 6ft). Also a condition in which someone who is larger has arms that are smaller and not in proportion
if the tip of your middle finger reaches well above you mid thigh you may have t-rex arms
by jannona July 17, 2009
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The act of a girl taking it in the ass and while she's riding she's making obnoxious dinosaur noises while making her arms look like a trex
Jeff and Leah were trying the T-Rex one night and all I could hear was loud raptor like noises
by Darnelloo June 6, 2016
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An individual who gives 0 fucks about another ones feelings. This individual will never been seen sad, and always be seen with a beer. This individual can be the goofiest and also the craziest MF you’ve met. Intoxication is a T-Rex’s best friend.
I’m a T-Rex, OUUUUUGHOOOOHHHH 3|6|7|3| : |19|
by Abooga booga October 29, 2019
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When a person is so drunk they hang their hands at about chest level, because they don't know what else to do with their hands. The position makes their hands and arms look shorter like a T-Rex.
Bob: Dude, Fred is hammered right now!
Joe: I know, he's T-Rexed; just look at his hands!
Bob: Hahahaha! He's swaying in the wind too!
by elgran35 December 6, 2009
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When you’re hooking up with someone and mid make out they awkwardly grab your boob.
Last night went so badly! We were kissing and then he started t-rexing me and I felt so uncomfortable.
by Ihavesexalot July 26, 2019
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Just like a T-Rex, you eat/devour your girl without using your hands. Bonus points for growling and screaming
Her - I want you to go down on me tonight
Me - Oh I’ll T-Rex you baby
by HornyLesbian8 October 25, 2020
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When you are fucking a girl from behind and feel a sudden urge to eat. You bring your elbows to your abdomen and swing your arms like a t-rex. At the same time you lean over and bite your bitch on the neck. Since your arms are essentially useless, you now must keep her down by clamping harder and pushing with your neck. This sex position is similar to a T-rex when feeding.
I don't know what happened the PCP hit me, and I just t-rexed the bitch.
Damn bro, what happened last night, I walked in on you t-rexing some bitch and growling.
by UNSCD Gunner April 12, 2011
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