A slang term for cigarette. Used in and around central Arkansas.
"Hey, you wanna kick a squib?"
by Anacrusis June 15, 2009
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omg its like so totally a non magic like person with like magical parents in like Harry like Potter
omg like MRs. whats her face (Harry's
neighbor obsessed with cats) is like a total SQUIB!! omg like totally
by i like totally forgot April 1, 2005
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to ejaculate wildly. Can be used interchangebly with the word gized.
Dude, she was suckin his cock and he squibbed all over her!
by Marshall Henson September 19, 2005
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when one squibs some perfume onto themselves
by yolande June 24, 2004
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A "land squid"; used in reference to a slimy person with no backbone or courage.
"Uhg! Couldn't wait to get away from that defense lawyer. What a squib!"
by similacrum#32 June 1, 2017
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a uncommon word used in online gaming to taunt people who are less skilled than you. it is un common because it is very similar to noob and Nub.
loosader: lol ur a nub
coobalie: FSTU Squib
by Dragon5 August 30, 2007
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"Squib Cakes" was a term that funk trumpeter Mic Gillette (Tower of Power etc..) used to describe the backsides of lovely ladies.

It was also a song by Tower of Power in 1974 on the "Back to Oakland" album.
Man! Check the squib cakes on that fine foxy mama - she's shakin' em and she ain't breakin' em.
by zoobiewahh November 6, 2010
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