Art Art Smit's brother; not as well-to-do, but tries to claim he is smarter because he is older.

See also Snart Snart Smit.
"There's Art Art Smit and Smart Smart Smit, maybe you can be Snart Snart Smit!"
by looch May 12, 2003
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The youngest of the imaginary Smit family. Often picked upon for being the youngest, being named Snart Snart, and for seeing movies like The Real Cancun.

See also gash.
He saw The Real Cancun!?! What a gash!
by looch May 12, 2003
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After consuming large amounts of alcohol you go to the toilet for a shit only for the sheer force to cause you to vomit at the same time.
A: wheres tom at?
B: he's knocked back 13 pints
A: jesus he's probably having a smit shit
by hentai is weeb shit September 19, 2017
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Drives a piece of shit v6, lies and drinks orange Gatorade by choice, likes to hoe around, likes to lead girls on, penis is mediocre, overall a 7/10 on a good day, rolls his basketball shorts because he’s a little fruity, his socks are the highest in the room
Fuck ty smit

There go ty smit
by Dog shit October 22, 2019
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A person who comments on random pornstars posts on Reddit and wishes them happy birthday. Loves every bit of attention he can get even if he has to be punching of the group. Commonly found among Smits are broken tailbones. Smits also has a high tendency to have a hot father named Mithul.
Fuck i hate that Smit cunt
by reylandrunner November 23, 2021
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there is no meaning of the word smit. Somtimes people say it means means smile or happiness. but that is really doubtful.
no usage of smit
by shaun tcky December 11, 2022
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