Hannah: OMG, Juan is so hot!
Sarah: Your so right. He is very smexy!
by DJ Premiere May 8, 2009
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Used to avoid word filters in chatrooms or messageboards that screen the word "sexy".
(In a kid's chatroom)

Cassie: OMG! Did you see him? He looks smexy tonight!
by Sephellia August 28, 2006
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Attractive in regards to intelligence and physical beauty (Comes from "smart" and "sexy"); -ier; -iest; See also: "Smeautiful"
by Curtis Meyer March 13, 2008
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Definition: a word used to describe an extremely sexy mexicano brown little baked potato who has a promising future in a Vegas stripping club

Very few people have the qualities to be deemed as smexy making smexy one of the highest compliments one can give or receive.

Being smexy is a way of life for the privileged few
However smexiness is a talent and an art so u can get there too!!

ESSENTIAL Qualifications include:
1)An IQ over 75748394
2)The ability to throw it back professionally
3)A past containing Middle school drama

4)A secret lover you plan to run away with

Smexy People ranked from highest to lowest:
Sleeping Unicorns

Pigeon toady

Homosexual Smurfs

Side effects of being smexy include:
Difficulty being ugly
Severe need to find a stripping pole
Alcoholic tendencies
Illusions (everything might seem like a stripping pole)
Multiple people obsessed with your perfection. You might be made fun of out of jealousy. You will experience depression for short periods of time. But you need to know that you need to FLAUNT DAT BEAUTY GURLLL (smexy people must learn to live with the fact that others will always be obsessed with their undeniable beauty)
Random need to use words like betta and emojis like 🥵😍😘💩👄

(Note: If you are experiencing any one of these conditions please note that you will be ok.
Please contact a doctor when conditions become too extreme u might be at a different level of SMEXY)
Nisha: “Damnn Aanchi you helllaa SMEXYYY”

Aanchi: “thanks so much Nisha!! See ya in Vegas!!!”
by SleepingUnicorn April 13, 2020
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