Shitting on the face of a passed out person usually in the form of a diarrhea like or wet consistency.
That was about as bad as when Charlie got Jamaican Shish Kabobed last New Years!
by RickySpanish20 January 1, 2015
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A mathimatical equation to measure how awesome you or something is. The equation is shish a squared or cubed, depending how awesome you think you are. Anything higher than cubed means you are so awesome you are dead

If you don't know what shish is click shish
Sam: dude I'm so awesome. I should use The Shish Theory

Johnny: yeah you are! you are like shish a cubed!
by JSteeny September 3, 2009
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When one shits on the ground, then impales the shit with a twig in the fashion of a kebab stick, like they are roasting marshmellows
"Damn! Timmy sure did a Bepistani shish kebab
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A sexual act in which a male inserts his Liberian flagpole through the vaginal cavity or rectum of a woman and the tip emerges from the mouth, thus turning her into a Louisana Shish-kebab.
Friend: Yo, what the fuck happened to our science teacher?
Man: Well, right after I gave her the ol’ trusty Knuckle Spider, I turned her into a Louisiana Shish-kebab.
Friend: What the hell is that?
Man: We were fucking and the tip just popped out the other end like a skewer in a Shish-kebab.
by BustMyCashew37.5 November 8, 2018
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The sexual act of intercourse with a female and a well endowed male on a food prep table when out of nowhere comes and equally well endowed male penetrates her throat as her head hangs off the opposite side of prep table making the penises unite creating a skewer effect deeming her the human shish-kabob.
Hi honey here's a copy of our Grocery list things to pick up; at store beer ice lottery tickets and a human shish-kabob!
by Emily "Bass" Jackson March 18, 2019
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When a guy with a really long and skinny dick, spears fresh fruit, and has his bitch eat it.
Pat bought some pomegranite and kiwi, made a Ukranian Shish Kabob, and had jenny eat it.
by Ukey Joe September 8, 2009
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The act of a man forcing his penis up a womans vagina so far that it comes out of her asshole; the man then uses whats left of his penis to put(stack) more girls on it until there is no penis left, thus creating a shish kabob effect
If someone tries to start something with you and you need a comeback you could say "Your just mad because I can fit more meat on my naughty shish kabob"
by Leroy Stillbeet April 2, 2008
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