the best rapper filmmaker, and person in the whole world.
yo man, I wish I could just be a tré shepard, ya feel?
by tré shepard December 3, 2016
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An extremely unkempt mass os female pubic hair - the opposite of High Barnet
Sort your Shepards Bush out love - come back when you High Barnet
by Anonymous July 25, 2003
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A bunch of preppy bitches that think they are all that, but really, they all are gay, and the guys have one inch pinches.
"hey do you guys like the Good Shepard School kids?"
"No! they are homos"
by Winning1993 May 3, 2011
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The act of taking a shit on a girls chest then blowing your load on top of the shit.
Man: babe you want shepards pie tonight?

Woman: yeah baby!
by SlickRick1234 July 17, 2013
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(Short: Sparky)

A term used to describe someone who has manipulative tendencies. Sometimes accompanied with entitlement and suicidal threats.
“John tried to convince me to rob a bank, when I said no he threatened to kill him self!”

“Wow he’s such a Sparky Shepard
by Tormented Unicycle March 2, 2019
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This is the school where we have many types of genders! also, ethan mann goes here.
Person 1: Is that shepard middle school?
Person 2: Ya why
Person 1: I heard that ethan mann goes there
by cookie mann October 17, 2019
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