The Nuevo Modern term (post Twentieth Century) in reference generally towards sex, nomally in context with intercourse, although general variations do follow. It can be the simple definition of sex between a man and a woman, but its application is rather broad without boundaries. It can and is used to describe the mere act of sex, whether straight, bisexual or gay. It is also used to describe feelings of love for someone, or, something. The equivalent of 'fuck' when used in descrptive terms.
1. Sex: "That girl is the type I want to runk!"

2. Alternative sex: "She and I did backdoor runk!"

3. Adjective: "I don't really give a flying runk!"

4. Love: "I really do runk my wife! Seriously!!"
by Mike in Aurora, Colorado January 28, 2008
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Being drunk off your ass, or drunk as hell. Also known as plowed, wasted, hammered, inebriated, intoxicated, plastered, lit, loaded, pie-eyed, sloshed, tanked, bashed, bombed, boozed up, high hosed in orbit, jolly jugged, juiced, or liquored up.
Tom: Hey dude, whats wrong with you?
E: I am capital D runk!
by tommy ethan February 18, 2008
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Can be either a verb or a noun. Verb meaning to waste time or to procrastinate. Noun meaning a person who consistently procrastinates or wastes their time.
"Oh my god, I'm being such a Runk right now!"
"Hey! Quite runking around! You have a final tomorrow!"
by madaboutit December 3, 2019
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To be high on something besides marijuana with a night of intense drinking.
Damn, I been poppin all night with some drank i'm fuckin Runk !
by Sqeekss October 13, 2009
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to buttfuck a raccoon then insert a large dildo into a skunk, making it spray.
hey man did you hear what sean did last night? i heard he went camping and decided to runk
by rawdoggerbuttfucker January 18, 2021
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Runk menas masturebate in swedish
Oh shit i am so horny i got to go runk
by Timmyälskarmilfs May 23, 2020
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Runk: (n) A person who participates in mud runs, obstacle courses and adventure racing. These individuals are often characterized by a willingness to get dirty, excited by challenging themselves mentally and physically, and a desire to live life to its fullest.

Runk: (v) to participate in mud runs, obstacle courses and adventure racing. “Michelle had a crazy runking experience at the mud run for Halloween.”
Runk is a subset of the term Runkz: A close, online, sharing community of like-minded, slightly insane individuals who enjoy mud runs, obstacle course and adventure racing.
by Chief Runkz January 29, 2013
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