When your partner is asleep on their stomach and their chest is inaccessible. you must roll them on their back and quickly before notice dump on his/her chest...
then you must pretend to fall asleep and allow your partner to wonder how the defacation has happened at all.
It is obvious, but you are awake. your partner is asleep with their chest down. you flip her/him over and rapidly release your shit( on the chest, which is of utmost importance). This is a Cleavland Steamer Rollover Classic Technique!! Who doesn't love the cleavland steamer rollover!?
by Mikey M.K September 11, 2007
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When you are driving along the highway and there are police everywhere.
Hey man be careful driving down the 101, I heard there was a doughnut truck rollover.

Oh yeah, I just saw 7 cops in 3 miles
by ClownShoes123 July 11, 2010
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n. when your dream about someone you know skews how you feel about them all the next day, an emotion you are unable—and unwilling—to shake.
Person one: DUDE!

Person two: BRO!

Person one: I had this totally vivid dream last night about Mary Jane Watson and now I've got rollover reaction!
by Cortotto December 5, 2016
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The act of lying on your side, having a Corona shoved into your ass and rolling onto your stomach. Another form of butt chugging.

Easier to perform with a beer bong, but you'll never use that beer bong again. Farting into the bottle is the best option and helps for ease of use.
You saw that kid who passed out last night?

Yeah, that kid was gone. I saw him do a Rona Rollover.
by CriminalCommunistOrBillionare October 30, 2017
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This is the day that follows Shrove Tuesday ( Pancake Tuesday ) and marks the beginning of Lent
by Linda1243 February 14, 2018
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my heart skips a beat when Alan picks me up with his honking rollator to go for an evening stroll along the canal.
honk honk. "babe, you ready? lovely evening for a cup of peppermint tea!"
-"Give me 30 minutes, my rollove. I'm upstairs and the stair lift is broken"
by Krkič February 1, 2020
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When a twitter user cannot tweet as much throughout the week and must make up for it by constantly tweeting on the weekends.
Due to school I only accumulated 20 tweets throughout the week, so I posted 300 rollover tweets on the weekend to make up for it.
by lazerliz October 6, 2009
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