The act of going to the bathroom before your actually need to so that you do not have to go later.
Joe: I’m taking a preemptive pee break before the moive starts so I don’t miss the climax.

Tom: Good idea, I'm right behind ya man.
by Creativehandsnc August 23, 2009
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The act of stalking a potential stalker, in order to learn everything about them, and using this information to make yourself undesirable to them, thus evading the stalker.
I think this girl that just added me on facebook is going to stalk me. I'm going to stalk her profile, so I can lie about anything we might have in common

Yeah, Preemptive counter-stalking is the way to go.
by jimmeh777 April 2, 2011
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The practise, usually employed by sexually insecure males around men they suspect may be homosexual, of firmly establishing their heterosexuality even before it was called into question.
Dale: Nice hat, John.

John: Yeah, thanks, my wife bought it for me. She's a girl. With tits and everything. Mmmm, tits.

Dale: No need for the preemptive gay strike, dude. You're so not my type.

John: Hmph.
by jwgrooves August 17, 2010
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A tactical move that involves a guy breaking up with a girl who he is not dating. The girl has confused their regular encounters and his enjoyment of them as romantic interest. The male, realizing that if keeps on hanging out with her he will be accused of "leading her on" even though he never had any romantic intentions at all, decides that he must tell her he doesn't have any interest. So without actually dating her, he is forced to break up with her, receiving all of the stress and crap of a relationship without having ever had any of the benefits, just so he won't be villainized for several months.
Jack - "Uhh Sue... it seems to me that you might like me... and well... uhhh... I just wanted you to know that I don't like you".

(extremely awkward moment)

Sue - "Oh"
Jack - "Sorry, I know this must feel like a preemptive break up, but I didn't want you to think I was... leading you on or anything"
by Devin Hush November 11, 2007
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the act of putting someone in the friend zone before they make any attempt to make moves on the other party. this allows for less confusion and emotional drama later on in the friendship.
Guy 1: Ashley has so many guy friends.
Guy 2: That's because she always make friends with them before they can ask her out.

Nice guys make up a disproportionate amount of preemptive friend zonees
by abominable snowmonster November 12, 2009
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An act similar to fisting, it involves waiting until one party needs to defecate before shoving a foot up the ass of the person as they attempt to shit, stomping the shit back up into the intestines of said person.
'Yo, I heard Brandon gave Shirley a preemptive waffle-stomp last night.'
"Really? That's fucking gross, I feel sorry for whoever has to wash his socks later on."
by CinnamonFrosting October 28, 2018
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-preemptive means "to strike first"

-self-defense means "to olny stike once struck upon"
preemptive self-defense used by american spokesman in reference to "iraq war"
by Chris Younker December 6, 2003
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