v. Complete and utter dominance in your field. Derived from the monstrosity that is Michael Phelps, record Olympic medalist from the USA.
"Man, I totally Phelpsed that exam."

"I was so into that girl, I Phelpsed her ass up."

"Roddy hit like 2 homeruns and a triple. He totally Phelpsed the game."
by John Hollick August 16, 2008
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When your sperm swims inside a woman.
"This bitch last night was so tight, I Phelpsed like 10 times"
by GO&PL August 19, 2008
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Knowingly and willfully smoking marijuana when better judgment tells you should do otherwise.
"Man, you're phelpsin' pretty hard right now, don't you have a test tomorrow?"
by Palmodamus February 13, 2009
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To be beaten in the last second in a competition while leading. Named after Michael Phelps' victory over Milorad Cavic in the 2008 Summer Olympics 100m Butterfly race, with a time merely 0.01 seconds faster. Phelps had never taken the lead the entire race until right at the finish.
Mario had the lead in Mario Kart DS, but right before the finish line, Luigi was drafting Mario's cart and phelped him for the victory.
by Phelps_Is_God August 18, 2008
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Let's get phelped tonight.

Can I get some phelp?
by An Dre February 3, 2009
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The male version of a butta face. Nice body ugly face ( see Micheal Phelps)
" He's got a great 6 pack, but from the neck up, he's kind of a Phelps. "
by fuzzelcat9386 May 30, 2009
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