(n) A brightly colored or pastel polo shirt with upturned collar and a pooka shell necklace. Normally accompanied by an artifically bronzed tan.
Bubba, from Pennsylvnia, was going to Atlantic City for the weekend so he swung by Hollister to pick up his PASSPORT TO JERSEY.
by Cintastic August 26, 2005
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Men who's only means of attracting women is through financial exploitation. This is the only tool in their kit so they fly to overexploited nations where women have less financial standing and show off twenty dollars here or there to get women's attention. Unironically they don't like gold diggers in places like the United States but they're fine giving their money away to women who'll do anything for their coins because they need to buy food to feed their families. It's basically international prostitution with less oversight
Trent can't get women in his country. He says their standards are too high so he became one of those passport bros and flew to Brazil
by datplayatwo January 17, 2023
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When you do a line of coke off of a strippers ass in a foreign country.
Becky was wondering when Fahad was going to perform the rusty passport after their initial meeting in Amsterdam.
by thefanciestboop March 10, 2017
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Border pass to gain entry into Queensland, Australia.
Hey Steve, have you got your pineapple passport yet? Na mate still waiting. Gonna have to get another COVID test if I can’t get in before tomorrow ey. Gonna miss shazzas wedding at this rate.
by justoaussie December 25, 2021
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It’s when you’re fucking two girls on a 38.5 degree incline and then you cum into a vase and use it as lube for the next time.
Hey bro my date was ducking amazing last night. We ended up back at her place, met up with her Roomate and did the Polish passport.
by Natael July 30, 2022
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Asian women (mainly Filipino) who only seek out and date Americans not for love, but for the chance to move to and live in the “Magical” United States of America.

Also applies to eastern women who actively date western men only for the chance to marry them and go live in the west and escape poverty.
Example 1:

Filipino Mother: “My daughter is not allowed to date any men!”

American dude: “ Hi”

Filipino Mother: “Hi have you met my daughter? She is so nice you would like her, please date her” *proceeds to practically throw her daughter at him*

American dude: “lol this mom is a passport chaser

Example 2:

Filipino woman: “I only date American men (preferably white because Filipinos are hella racist) so I can get married and go live in the USA because life is good there”

American dude # 1: “Doesn’t she know how fucked up life in the US is? It’s all over the news. What’s wrong with these passport chasers?”

American dude #2: “shut up bro I’m about to get laid” *proceeds to sleep with her by promising to marry her but then ghosts her ass*
by BitterDude February 25, 2023
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A girl who marries a guy in order to gain citizenship and passport access to his citizenships.
A passport pirate is a girl from the U.S marrying a guy from Europe to get all of his passports
by Word maker 12 May 20, 2021
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