A Nibba is very special person and is only called by it to people who deserve it, no it actually just a another fucking cover up for nigga.
1)You My nibba
2)ay yo young nibba ball uo
by nibbagang May 24, 2017
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The appropriate way to say the N word without being assaulted by SJW’s and Black Live Matter activists.
Nibba what were you thinking
by WhyMyPPsmall November 14, 2017
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The practice of changing the word "nigger" into something that uptight snowflakes can accept as a joke or as in general.
White Privileged Male: Hello fellow Nibbas.
Sensitive Oppressed Black Female: That word is extremely offensive.

White Privileged Male: The word I said was Nibba.
Sensitive Oppressed Black Female: That word is more acceptable.
by Jakey_Wakey_444 September 23, 2018
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Words that White and Asian people use in order to get away saying Nigger.
this Nibba is so ugly today.
I heard that you are friends with this Nibba.
by LING LING101 April 27, 2017
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A moronic way to call someone a nigga, but it is funnier, plus safer for white bois to say.
Nibba: Dude, watch this video.

White Boi: Rly Nibba?
by Jack Spletcher April 16, 2019
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