Toast that has been infused with greasy cig hands
Guy - why does my toast taste so weird?
Girl - oh that's their special, Marlboro Rye
Guy - what's that?
Girl - oh Big Curly just went out had a cig and then made your toast
by Jax the hippo slayer December 4, 2022
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a town in Monmouth County where everybody is conceited, wealthy brats. 90% of the people there a spoiled rich bitches who think mommy and daddy can support them forever and they don't have to work at all. the other 10% of people there are actually normal, down-to-earth people who will actually do well in life and have friends that are actually real, and not fake like the rest of this terrible town.

Some people are wannabe whores and village bicycles.
Oh my god. She is such a rich bitch, she has got to be from Marlboro, NJ
by singingchef December 26, 2011
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A Drama infested rathole town located in Monmouth county where 95% of the people and kids are 2 faced backstabbing snobs and enjoy starting drama. 75% of the population is jewish 15% are italian that think they are better than everyone, and the other 10% are misc. cultures. the town is seriously messed up with the crowd of kids that are present ranging from the random druggie and punk kid to the party all day no successful future "popular kid". The school system is absolutely ludicrous and is an absolute laughing stock for the amount of money spent in taxes in this scum ridden town. most of the people are down right jackasses who treat each other and act like a bunch of animals. rt. 79 seems to be the divider between high society and working/middle class (with the exception of the piss hole development across from the newer middle school which is also working/middle class) however most people have no class and are jerks regardless of the side of rt. 79 that they live on. as a kid in this town, if you want to be successful in life and take life, education and similar values seriously you are un popular and uncool. if you are a borderline alcoholic by the time you are in the 10th grade & smoke weed and chew tobacco well then congratulations, you are popular. In a nutshell this town is filled with two faced dirtbag people who have no regard for others. it is a disgrace between the amount of drugs that circulates between the town's kids and the amount of taxes that people pay.
John: Hey Bob how have you been

Bob: alright how about yourself?

John: i'm good. I haven't seen you in a while

Bob: well i moved to Marlboro, nj

John's thought: well that figures, he always was a 2 faced dirtbag. and come to think of it, so were his kids
by MarlboroSucks January 20, 2012
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Simply the best cigarettes put on Earth. For the people who say "they're too strong", it's not true, it's just because you're TOO WEAK and probably aren't even a real smoker.
#1: Look what I'm smoking (shows pack)
by RESTI1 January 7, 2010
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Yall are spoiled if you think Marlboro is a bad town. There are people that in areas surrounded by fucking gangs, where school districts dont teach jack shit. Marlboro is not this. If you choose to have a good experience you will have one. If you choose to have a good education you WILL have one, I can guarantee this. Sure there are druggies and fake bitches who sound so fake you want to shoot yourself, however if you are with the right people u ain't gonna get that.
Marlboro, nj is aight
by Gsnscxj whskevs October 3, 2019
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A bunch of assholes in a small town, everyones addicted to blues and doesn't give a fuck about where they end out in life. A bunch of unmotivated asshole guidos and bitchy girls who judge people by designer clothes and what car they drive. Scum Central? Don't go here you'll regret it.
Dude: Yo man i heard marlboro, nj sucks.

Dude #2: True, i heard that too

Dude #3: Me too man

Marlboro Guido: Yo bitch you owe me 35 dollars, i need some more hair gel and blues.
by GuidoGenocide July 24, 2009
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The best ciggarettes in the world although some may say they are the racist ciggarette becaise the box has a total of 3 k's in the design of the box but well worth the haters
Mayn i hate Marlboro Reds they nigga hatas but they taste so damn good i might accidentally go cracka
by Tony York June 19, 2006
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