Tom: When Bob comes we can find out how many guys Jenny has done.
Rob: MGS!!!
by WTFJIM? May 14, 2011
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meaning: mad gay.

basically,when something is really gay,not in the obvious form but rather like saying "lame"
Mike:"Dude i just totally beat the shit outta your little sister !"

Cisco:"that's mg..."
by Mikeisftw July 11, 2008
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"Man-gina"..whenever A man has a vagina it is called a mangina.... Some ppl call them Irenes
Irene has a HUGE Mg!

Dan needs 2 clean his Mg sometimes
by JaclynHamel May 8, 2005
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A type of homo sapian. This incredible creature learks around and intimidates other species into having sex with him.
"MG always bums men and animals."
by sexy beast April 1, 2005
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German abrivation for maschinegewehr, or machine rifle. It was a mounted machine gun, first produced in 1942.
by Disco Stu October 3, 2003
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Going to a club on a week night and drinking whiskey with your friends.
Hey! Do you wanna go to Catch this Thursday to pull an MG? First round on me!
by Freestyle707 August 30, 2020
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