The guy who always dies in South Park.
Stan: "Oh my god, they killed Kenny!"
Kyle: "You bastards!"
by InkDictionary October 27, 2018
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A really mean dude that just go off on anybody or anyone
Have you seen kenny yet?
“kenny came in the room”
Kenny: Wassup stupid little bitch
by A asian dude January 19, 2022
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"Am I circumsized? No way! I've still got my Kenny."
by Jaina September 4, 2005
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to be ditched; disappearing without warning
she was totally Kennied
that boy totally kennied her
by Brianardo January 12, 2007
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one of the main characters form south park that just wont stay dead...
stan: oh my god you killed kenny
kyle: you bastards
next episode
stan: hey kenny
kenny: mmhp mmhp
by Suki-Chan :] December 23, 2008
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