Beautiful, thoughtful girl. Best personality and is swarmed by handsome men. A good friend to have from grade four onwards. definatly a Soul sister.
by chuck <3 July 15, 2010
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A girl who takes that much dick she walks like John Wayne the next day.
'Why is she walking that way?'

'oh she's taken that much dick we call her Jayne Wayne'
by RyRy88 July 4, 2020
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To have a big penis.
I have a Terri-Jayne
by Red_Ed. August 27, 2009
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Emma-Jayne is literally the funniest, swaggest & HOTTEST person you would ever meet in your whole entire life!!! they are actually so cool i don’t know how they do it 😩
“Dude! Emma-Jayne is so cool, have you met her?!?!”
by swagmilf123 November 21, 2021
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She's funny, sweet, always by your side. If you want to have a couple goals relationship, she's the perfect one. If she says she cares god she sure does. She will fucking love you till she dies unless you hurt her. She may give you another chance if your special but if not. She will bite you in the ass. She has a amazing sense of humour. But she is very sensitive. Normally has short blonde hair and blue eyes, tall and very slim. She is the best friend and girlfriend anybody can have. Even if she's sensitive. She will love you to the moon and back
Damn there my girl! Alexa-Jayne
by Fishysquishy777777 May 15, 2017
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If you have a Tammie-Jayne in your life you are so lucky. She is a wonderful person and has a brilliant sense of humout
"Oh, this girl I met is so funny, she's such a Tammie-Jayne
by meeeeeeeeeee3333eeeeeee March 21, 2021
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