A kid that smells like dirty socks mixed with a side of shit and looks like he hasn’t taken a shower in days (maybe months)
Man look at Jagger over there, he smells like I wiped my ass with him
by Ihaveadigbick123 November 14, 2019
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Old slang originally from the county of Kent in England. It refers to an eerie sea mist that forms along the shore which then gradually moves inland bringing with it a chilly, unpleasant clamminess. In his book ‘Great ExpectationsCharles Dickens has Pip meet the convict Magwitch in a thick aggy jagger.
There’s an aggy jaggers come in, can’t see your hand in front of your face.
by AKACroatalin June 16, 2017
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Pittsburguese for a bush with thorns on it.
Gordon was badly injured when he fell into a jagger bush.
by Patrick Judge October 28, 2004
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a bush with thorns
its a Pittsburgh thing
look out for them jagger bushes over there
by tassmasterzero February 27, 2003
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The act of fathering or claiming to have fathered numerous children with many estranged women. (especially prevalent with musicians)

Named for the infamous Mick Jagger
- Hey man have you seen Billy latey?
- No. I heard he's been Mick Jaggering with a bunch of groupies
by BlackjackII January 28, 2008
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The God of All Things Sexual. Also the lead singer of the rock band The Rolling Stones.
Mick Jagger, please, let your full-lipped beauty rain upon my sad, pathetic, worthless life. Enlighten me with your boyish grin and messy brown hair. Let my lowered head hear your sexy voice sing out.

by The Morgan Stone July 23, 2007
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