Homestar runner makes you laugh at his stupidity and charmed by his personality.
by Brian April 18, 2003
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He is TOTAL CRAP. Crappity crap crap, that is what he is. Now where is Strong Sad?
by Strong Bad May 8, 2004
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The main character of , which is an extremely overrated site. Almost everthing consists of simple and boring animation. The only thing even remotely amusing is the Strong Bad email, and only a few of those.
You must be really bored to watch a Homestar Runner cartoon.
by Penguin X July 5, 2004
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That doofus who can't remember his lines. Ever.
"There was this one time I saw Homestar Runner punch a kitten in the throat! No, seriously!"
by Dan September 29, 2003
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He who speaks with some kind of european accent.
Hellû! I'm Homestawr Wrunnóh. Welcume tü Humestewwunnoh.nät!
by Yambalaya Jamendu November 25, 2003
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