Hayley is the prettiest girl in her class. Always laughing and boys fall in love with her long hair ever so easily. She's as funny as she is smart, at the same time a complete man. She wrestles and beats up her guy friends for fun. Her best friends names are along the lines of " Jen, Caroline, and Sierra" but its hard to name her friends because she has so many. She can hold onto a relationship, but she flirts around at the same time and in the end it comes back to haunt her. Doesn't give two shits about people care about her. Oh and she has amazing tits.
Hayley: dude i have a pit infection so i can't shave wanna see?
Boy: No
Hayley: (Shows her pit)
Boy : hahahah i love you
by Bremsahx2 January 16, 2011
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Does the best dobby impression
Haykley Hayley is awesome
by Hdkcks February 28, 2017
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shes a gangsta girl with a mind of her own and she is always the life of the part cause she can make anyone laugh
dd you see hayley at that party?
yes she was imposible to miss.
by menina44 September 7, 2008
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hayley is the most caring and beautiful person ever. she can be a lot a times but its worth it. don't get on her bad side, she doesn't tolerate bs. if you have a hayley in your life, keep her.
"yo tha girl is so beautiful"
yeah her name is hayley"
by whitegoat123 July 14, 2021
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hayley is a cute but HOT brunette with browny green eyes. she is always the most beautiful girl in the room but she thinks she isn’t. so make sure to give her compliments.

girls are jealous of her and guys want her. if you are lucky enough to date hayley then do not let her go! you are a very lucky guy and many guys will be jealous of you.

she usually goes for a guy who she is friends with first instead of jumping straight into a relationship so if you want a chance with a hayley, be friends first

she is the most loyal girl you will ever meet and you can trust her with anything. she’s always down to have a good time and get up to no good.

she is sooo nice but devilish at the same time, she’s the definition of perfection.
guy 1- is that hayley over there?!
guy 2- yup
guy 1- holy shit she’s gorgeous

guy 2- back off she’s mine

guy 3- woah woah woah!
guy 4- she’s mine!!
by thetruthisherebiatchhh August 16, 2019
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Haley has legit the gayest dick you’ve ever seen, her cock size reaches to a minimum of 30 inches and it would make any horse insecure
Holy shit is that HAYLEY i’m gonna go kms real quick so that’s the last thing i can see
by shlatticus the third December 23, 2019
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Supermom. The kind of person whom works one of the hardest professions, comes home to be a mother to 2 children, does online schooling, invests in her marriage, and gives back to everyone around her; badass; amazing.
I wish that I could be a Hayley someday.
by sjouljagirl December 23, 2016
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