Me: hello
Hamish: tim tams are amazing

Me: yes lad
Hamish: choccy milk is disgusting as is milo
Me: you dickhead
by Karen Chungus February 7, 2019
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A guy with a tiny penis. Like microscopic who does not possess the ability to pleasure a woman.
We had sex last night but he was a total Hamish.
by Cewl dewd February 12, 2017
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some say he's a girl, some, a boy, but we know him as: Hamish, that random guy who likes to teabag, tea.
Dude, did that guy just teabag tea?

Yeah, he must be a Hamish.
by Hamish Is A Freak March 13, 2011
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a small yung boy hoo lacks getting in.
his favourite word is em and his mum likes it fuzzy.
He enjoys Frenquent juggs over
he likes it in the eye
a: hello id like a hamish
b: open up
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A very stupid kid that nobody likes. brown hair weird, clothes, ugly face and is generally a terd. Usually has adhd and autism.
by UGIVEMEAIDS May 22, 2018
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The OCR computer science 2019 mascot on twitter.
A brain-dead twat who, despite having "confidential files" on his computer, doesn't know how to secure them
Me: what's up
Friend: I can't secure my files
Me: you're a right fucking Hamish, ain't ya
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to fall over or to trip and hurt your kneecaps so your walking is impaired
hey dude why are you limping oh man the other day i tripped up and hamished myself
by Cornchips_95 March 14, 2011
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