A guy who is broke and lame and refuses to come out of the closet. He lives in Roosevelt, NY. In his mother's basement. His phone number is 516-395-9558!
Wow Colton Griffith sure knows how to use some heels!
by hisboyfriend May 6, 2010
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Gay Bi Sexual women who loves to lick the pussy of ugly women whilst sucking cock
by John February 17, 2005
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A theory stating that the internet is so vast and so random that you could post a random photo claiming it's a meme from the future, and at some point the photo will gain relevance as a meme.
Bro 1: Bro, did you hear about that one among us post from 2010?

Bro 2: Nah man, that's just a prime example of the Griffith Femto theory
by ZenaMudry November 28, 2021
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Fucking cool son of a bitch, perfect shaped nose, shame about the boyfriend hes abit of a drip.
you wish you were as awesome as Jodie Griffiths. Often referred to as the Jodemiester.
by JodieGriffithssadly August 16, 2011
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Griffith High School is majority black people since about 2014. It is also on the Southern side of town. North side of town is full of a bunch of pussy ass black kids living in the mansards swearing they're about that life on the internet, when in reality they wouldn't even look your way walking down the street. Griffith students are 99% ugly. The black girls think they're from Chicago, the white girls love to pop their ass out in their instagram photos and think they can fight when they put a hole in their wall when they're mad or when they get their heart broken by some fuck nigga who lives off section 8. THe white boys are either in some gay ass extracurricular such as choir or drama, or a pothead who doesn't give a fuck about their school. School board is ignorant as fuck especially Mr. Gordon (dean of students) and Mr. Orkis (principal).
Girl; What school do you go to?
Guy; Griffith High School.
Girl; Oh, that kinda sucks ass...
by Wannabe Drop Out Kid At GHS January 2, 2017
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What were you doing up in your room?
Watching the Andy Griffith Show...
by GerkinKing February 4, 2010
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