Married couple Gerard Way and Lyn-Z ship name.
Frerard shipper: Too bad Ger-Z and Framia ended Frerard.
Ger-Z shipper: Maybe so, but Ger-Z is so in love!
by MorrisTheIchthyosaurus August 9, 2018
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A heinous man or women attorney, who shits and pisses themselves, and then shakes hand with clients.
Did you see that L&Ger coming out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to his shoe?
by Mark Ruffaloes September 26, 2006
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More than just plain wrong, wrong-ger.

Often used to describe something/someone physically unpleasant.

Can only be topped as superlative by wrong-gest
Me: Mate, doing that bird after 10 pints was just wrong

Mate: You say that, but the one you had with the hair lip was wrong-ger

by Kyza October 17, 2005
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The act of sucking at every video game possible no matter how hard you try...synonym of completely sucking. To master a Nick Gers you must have at least below a 1.00 K/D in Cod.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Nick Gers
by koolkid12345678 September 27, 2017
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A person with a most offensive hair colour.And usually rather bad tempered.
"You GING-GER,duracell,carrot top,freckle faced freak."
by mugwump November 14, 2004
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First seen in a football anthem by New Order, Eng-ger-land is what the English sometimes chant at football matches because it's easier to say (it just rolls off the toungue).
Eng-ger-land, Eng-ger-land, Eng-ger-land, NA NA!
by Jimmy Kickarse July 12, 2006
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