beastly stone creature, cool old school cartoon. monkey beast, flying man eating bitch
You fat gargoyle, give my sandwhich back!
by dusty December 24, 2004
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Gargoyles are stone carvings said to come alive at night and protect you. Usually perched somewhere high.
I have a gargoyle on top of my house!
by Oof_hi December 10, 2019
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When a chick gives a guy a blowjob while he is standing and she is squating in front of him. After he comes, she lets the jizz run out of her mouth like a perched gargoyle with rain water draining from its mouth.
Meredith gave me the hottest gargoyle. She rules.
by Follows Herons August 8, 2006
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Referring to any individual that is ugly!
Ewww, girl I think you need to leave that gargole alone! Cause he is busted!
by Mika1702 February 8, 2003
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The act getting into a perched position and masturbating. This position is usually reserved for advanced levels.
I was bored, so I got into a gargoyle and busted a nut.
by neelzo August 2, 2008
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a stone statue that in fantasy is said to be a strong demon creature that can glide but not fly and at sunrise must roost and become stone.
by Anonymous September 26, 2003
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also a person with a ugly face or facial feature
a fat person with a fat face
by gomer February 29, 2004
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