Like fuck but not as severe. You wouldnt call someone a fuckies, it wouldnt sound right. And its not really an activity either.
"oh fuckies i forgot my mobile"
by towel401 January 11, 2004
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From Peaches "Aa Xxx":

"licky licky sucky
nobody here can tell me they dont wanna fucky fucky"

by Saturnia November 5, 2003
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1)to have sex with
2)To feel fucked up
1)Boy:I'm horny kelly, Lets make fucky!!!!
Girl:Ok lets go!!! i like to make fucky with you!!!!
2)After that beer i felt fucky
3)I like making fucky
by Kelly Caposcy March 19, 2008
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to be under the influence of alcohol and behave very inappropriately. actions include drinking copious amounts of frosty jacks and violently throwing up in alleyways.
"ready to get fuckis?"
"i am SO fuckis"
by August 14, 2011
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adjective. describing the weather conditions of "foggy" and "mucky". portmanteau word.

coined by yoohoo
I couldn't see while I was drving home because it was so fucky out.

Damn, yo it's fucky out.

I wouldn't have hit that deer if it wasn't so fucky out.

Question: Is it going to be fucky out today?

Police Statement:
"Sir, how did you know the alien killer was right behind you?"
"It was fucky."
"Excuse me?"
"All of a sudden, the mood got really fucky."
by Yoohoo n Z March 3, 2010
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A word a person uses when pissed off or angery
Ben: Just let it go M

M: Fuck you your such a fuckie Ben

10mins later
M: Fuckie!!!!
by jojo + momo June 13, 2006
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"You're driving me fucky!"
"If you don't stop that, I will go fucky!"
by Lyn Glover November 5, 2007
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