A hinged section of an aircraft's wing which allows the aircraft to fly slower but also generates enough lift to stay aloft.
Flaps - check 30
Controls - check free
by Charlie December 6, 2004
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The sound one makes when masturbateing to porn on a laptop computer. Also can be the sound mad when your pounding a honey hole and your ballsack and ramrod slam against those meaty lips.
We got home early only to walk in our apartment and hear the sound flap flap flap flap flap flaaaaaaap flap of Tim our virgin roomate wackin off to porn on his laptop.
by FLAPFLAPfromNC December 20, 2011
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The act of backing out of a fight or a violent argument.
That man was flapping
by NoFlapping April 21, 2019
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Noun: a movement of a ballsack from side to side or up and down.

Verb: the act of using your ballsack to hit something
Tommie flapped me with his ballsack.

I’m gonna flap that bitch in the face.
by Electrified22 October 16, 2018
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to clap with your stomach flaps
omg that movie was so good at the end of the film everyone in the cinema flapped
by peepeepoopoomeeeeee March 22, 2021
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A quarter gram (250 mg) of heroin.
"Can you do me a flap for $40?"
by RealFamous February 25, 2016
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