A term denoting what would be Apollo’s belt on a fit man. The fat under the belly button and above the penis. This is similar to a gock but not so big. The fat mans cum gutters so to speak.
“Honey, you are getting some fat above your wiener!”

“Yeah, that’s just my Apollo’s Fanny Pack.”
by junco April 12, 2021
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Digging up your testicles from your pants and letting them hang on top of your belt.
This dude just came out of nowhere rocking a Turtles fanny pack.
by Cavepear July 6, 2017
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Fanny pack fuckers are tourists that visit lame towns that THEY think are cool. (:
"OMG look at that fanny pack fucker over there!"

*looks at guy with fanny pack taking pictures.

"What a fanny pack fucker."
by NiaMurder February 9, 2009
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When a woman has a huge bulge of fat under the belly button that is obvious to the public.
"damn, she's over weight, and has a fanny pack!"
by b3@st2305987 January 25, 2014
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When the section of skin below the stomach but above the genitals. Referred to as the groin area. Has excessive build up of fat. So that when the person wears pants the look like they have a massive bulge in their pants. Similar to a camel toe, but far more obvious and odd looking. Both women and men can have a "Fanny Pack"
"Hey that man is wearing a fanny pack!"
"Yeah, it's covering his natural Fanny Pack."

"Oh my gosh these pants give me a Fanny Pack!"
by Angelic_Light April 12, 2010
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A fanny pack is 1st 4 da british 'n' 4 da american 2.
Ya'll have 2 shit dunlops if ya're don't stop touchin' my fanny pack.
by chipskid May 16, 2010
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a fat (see pudgeoff)queer..who has no life and shouldnt be relased into public
meaning..you see fannypacks..but you rather be fucked up the ass with ur fist then be caught dead with one
by Tauny poo June 28, 2003
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