Something that people say when they're frustrated or are displeased with something.
by vobis March 29, 2009
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A musical duo formed by Youtube-star Terroja Kincaid (The Amazing Atheist) and Cody Weber. Together they've appeared in three videos on Youtube, all titled "BEST SONGS EVER". In these videos, TJ is singing, while Weber plays guitar and sometimes bass. In "BEST SONGS EVER 3", the duo also have a guest appearance of Cody Weber's brother playing guitar. They also have another video called "BONE US SONGS" consisting of tracks that apparently were too graphic for Youtube.
The Straight Effs have also released an EP consisting of four of their songs.

Lyrically, their songs are mostly about stereotyping, alcohol, drugs, sex, rape, murder, violence, homosexuality politics and rebellion against the system. The songs varies from almost metal-like singing with heavy guitar riffs, to romantic ballads.
"The Straight Effs is the shit!"

"Remeber that time that your dad molested you?"

"Fuck the civilians, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Ever since I fucked my sister she's been acting kind of strange."

"Call the number on your screen, cuz we can get you more money and bitches than Charlie Sheen."

"When I ride a horse I need a separate horse from my big fat fucking dick!"
by koriboy October 9, 2011
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Another way of describing your disdain for a situation or event. Can also be translated to "fuck that shit" where "eff" is used to describe the letter F, short for fuck, and noise used to describe unpleasant happenings
1. We have to wake up at 6am? Eff that noise!!

2. Yeah, my man left me for some fake flabby bitch.
Mmmm mmmm, eff that noise!
by maryc April 29, 2005
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a) an exclamation used when one is flustered and/or upset

b) a sword that is peerless in comparison to other weapons like it
"I just failed 3 tests and got by butt wrecked in Call of Duty... Eff sword!"

"I bought an eff sword at the medieval weapons show
by grouchomarxx December 13, 2010
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Retaliatory remark made by someone who is too much of a pussy to say FUCK OFF
I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, eat meat or swear. If you don't like that, then eff off, ya big weenie!
by Anonymous October 11, 2003
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A: You are such a yag!
B: Eff you fastard!
by bretfort October 11, 2009
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a phrase made famous by the youtube video "david blaine spoof."
The two gay guys he is showing his "magic" to repeatedly say this after he does something crazy. Used to describe something ridiculous or incomprehensible. Or as a random outburst, fake expletive or exclamation.
"David blaine" : Are you sure you didn't buy a teddy bear?
1st guy: Yes I'm sure I didn't...
Both: What the eff? What the EFF!!
by asdhdfd November 18, 2007
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