A term coined by the band Oliver Tree. It means the exact same thing as two-faced in the context of the song “Life Goes On,” but the words together actually do not make any sense.
“I’m looking for help with this song. I’m trying to describe someone who treats you one way to your face but acts the other way behind your back.”

“You mean “two-faced?””

“No, something more pretentious.”

“That’s the exact phrase you’re looking for.”

*other person walks away*

“Gosh, he couldn’t just find me new words. What a double-faced entendre.”
by DS716 November 11, 2021
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A double-faced entendre is somebody who has two totally different personalities, unbeknownst to you, one side being an angel, the other side being a devil. Coined himself by Oliver Tree
Oliver tree gave me his word that he would cut me in at 5% earnings from this. Hopefully his hearing isn't double-faced entendre.
by Shel Silverstein November 8, 2022
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someone who has two totally different personalities. One side being a angel and the other being a devil.
I cant believe she played me like that. she is a double faced entendre.
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A double entendre is a word that has two meanings

A double faced entendre is a person that has two personalities , mostly you'll discover this when you date enough people, when you've fallen in love with them and became blindly infatuated only the good angelic side of them is visible , but once you've spent sometime with them the other deceiving and cunning side will float up to the surface .
Guy1: I hate Sydney ,I always thought this girl was so kind, I the figured out it's a facade she puts up for guys to like her, such a double faced bitc-

Guy2: entendre, such a double faced entendre

Guys : yeah , that's the exact right term
by BlessedTofu September 28, 2021
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Some one who has two totally different personalities. One side being the one they use with you being and angel but as soon as you’re not around they’re a devil.
Person 1: Dude you need to leave her, she’s a double faced entendre

Person 2: What dies that even mean?
Person 1: it means you haven’t seen the other crappy side of her
by Definition Monger September 26, 2021
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A word created by Oliver Tree from his song Life Goes On

Someone who has two totally different personalities unbeknownst to you
Friend: I can’t believe she would do that to you man
Friend: I know right she’s such a Double Faced Entendre
by ZacharyLopezKirby123 June 23, 2021
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A Person Who Has Two Different Sides. One being a Devil, and One Being An Angel.
Woman: *does something good and then something Bad*
Man: You Double Faced Entendre!
by Num7392 October 20, 2021
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