A woman over the age of 25 who sniffs the banana seats of little boys bikes. See snorkel dorf.
"Carl, keep the bike in the garage. Your little friends mother is a snarkle dorf."
by Furyfreeze2005 November 15, 2016
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The act of sitting in a hot tub, or bathe tub, farting and then inhaling the bubble fumes as they surface.
Friend1: So guys how do you like my new hot-tub?
Friend2: Dude it be the bomb!!!
You: Ya man, I'm totally Snorkel Dorfing my brains out!
by Dorf King December 7, 2010
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Dude remember that Double Dorf yesterday. Yeah, party was lit til that happened.
by heroyoulook June 25, 2017
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The act of carelessly poring your beer aggressively so it foams up past the rim and the contents of the glass are largely wasted. Dorf Foam can also be found in a beer bottle if its been agitated or consumed too quickly.

A term that has become increasingly popular with origins linked to the YouTube Drinking Community. Y.T.D.C
" After drinking that 40oz, he didn't leave any Dorf Foam in there."
by The Shmitt September 16, 2017
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Hard-of-smelling or smell disabled; The state of possessing a honker of greatly reduced sensory capacity.
Everyone knows about the deaf, the mute, and the blind, but society has turned a pinched nose to the dorf.
by B Love August 6, 2007
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when you belch and it feels like you're going to vom on yourself then ask for coochie
self:*blergal dorf*
self:may i partake of thein fair coochie ma'dam?
high class lady:of course my good man.
by dovus November 8, 2018
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