Something all women want for pleasure, often a nickname for their dildo.
I can't find my dilly, as soon as I do I'm so going to use him to pleasure me every night.
by Dilshan7 February 25, 2019
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The act of being silly with mayhem. To be a scrub and cause mayhem all day and every day. Founded by Robert Janas.
Dude did u see what Krevin just did? He's being so dilly.
by phillydilly December 8, 2010
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Dilly is a crossbreed of "Dick" and "Willy"
My friend's friend made the word and i think its pretty funny.
(On Omegle, on screenshare)

Sees male genatalia


by DefinitelyNotAngelo January 22, 2022
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A ship name between duke Depp and Willywonkatiktok, and people ship duke and Willy cause they are a perfect couple.
Person 1: who do you ship?

Person 2 definitely Dilly cause they are the cutest couple
by Cola.depp April 25, 2021
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a word that you can use in place of any noun that you cannot remember. the best part about this word that after enough usage your friends will always know exactly what you're talking about.
1. hey man, hand me those speaker dillies.
TRANSLATION: "hand me those headphones."

2. dammit, i can't get the internet dilly to work!
TRANSLATION: dammit, i can't get the web browser to work!
by edward_pumpernickel June 3, 2005
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A dilaudid (hydromorphone) pill. Comes in various strengths: 2, 3, 4, and 8mg. Stronger than oxycodone, diacetylmorphine, and morphine by weight. The only opiate-based painkiller that is stronger, is fentanyl.
This dilly put me on my ass!
by tylerdurden89 November 2, 2010
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The act of sticking or pointing your wang at someone or something in a demeaning or disruptive manner.
Damn i would of made that shot if #23 was'nt trying to get his dillies-on.
by Black Knight September 11, 2003
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