Someone who finds it their life's duty to be an all around asshole and douchebag. They are in an elite class of their own of the dbags in the world.
Christopher Columbus was a d-bag extraordinaire for pillaging and raping everything that moves.
by C. period History September 5, 2008
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An up and coming insult used against the Groton-Dunstable Regional High School in chirps during sports games and against underclassmen
Hey that Mr. Woods dude is a real G-D-bag
by TheOGUncleRicky December 11, 2017
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The shortened version of Douchbag.
Wow. Jhace is such a D-bag...
by thatguy9998 March 9, 2010
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A girl who, while not a douchebag herself, hangs out with, sleeps with, and/or dates d-bags at d-bag bars, insisting that they're the best/most fun. You know, like a fag hag, but with horrible douches instead.
Greg: Is Jan coming out to the SuperCoolAwesome Bar tonight?

Bobby: No, she's down at that FratCrapShack... again.

Greg: Damn, why's she gotta be such a d-bag hag?
by The Chemicals July 30, 2009
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1. One who "hates" mainstream music, but continues to state how less popular genres such as classic rock are so much better. They say this, but dont have a clue when you mention bands such as AC/DC and Nirvana. While doing this, that person takes bias opinions of other artsy-fartsy hippies who abolish modern music.
Ex 1 Jane- I love the Beatles!
Tom- Oh Really? Name the people in the band.
Jane- ummmmmmm...
Tom- You're such a musical d-bag

Ex 2
Maurice- Wiz Khalifa was SUCH a good artist...that is, until he hit mainstream.
Howard- You're such a musical d-bag
by heeerrroooo January 18, 2011
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a complete douchebag who is in an elite class of their own. They take being a douchebag to a new level of obnoxiousness.
Christopher Columbus was a d-bag extraordinaire for raping and pileging everything he saw.
by Hisstorie See period September 25, 2008
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