To completely destroy a woman's asshole by means of savage, angry butt sex.
I cuddled the shit out of my girlfriend last night; she loves it.
by M.B.P. March 9, 2007
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euphemism for "have sex"; used by gay males who do not know how to show affection without having sex
(on the telephone or internet)

Homosexual A: "So where do you live?"
Homosexual B: "15th and Main. Want to come over and cuddle with me?"
Homosexual A: "But it's 12:30 in the morning. Why the sudden urge to cuddle?"
by Brandon1978 September 30, 2007
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Fucking, having sex, making love...all with feelings and emotions.
Come over so we can cuddle tonight and make it a good night together.
by Nancy... December 14, 2018
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To roll a joint/blunt and smoke
A weed cigarette that's rolled tight
"Hey, wanna drink and cuddle??"
"Yea I'm down, but I don't have any weed"

"Don't worry, I got enough to cuddle for both of us"
by Mister knowitalll October 9, 2018
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Something I want to do with my online girlfriend but she very far away from me, so she cuddles with her teddy bear and she pretends that it's me. I love her so much <3
Girlfriend: Babeeeee

Boyfriend: Yeah?

Girlfriend: I need cuddles uwu

Boyfriend: You too far away babe I'm so sorry :(
by ANTx WRLD March 25, 2021
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She was so wet while we were cuddling.
by Thatdude31444 February 12, 2020
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Hey look at those three people hanging out? Are they just friends? Nah, that's a cuddle.
by Poly Cookie Monster February 25, 2020
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