Best place in the world. In Cape Cod (I'm soooo not telling you where). It is run by the kids from morning 'til night. Amazing for manhunt, but watch out for the dunes. Its hard to be on the back path at night. Do not wear tye dye at the public beach. In fact, just avoid the public beach in general. If you go here, be sure to bring dark clothes. This is also a good place for romance, so watch the woods you're walking through. Nightly outings to PJs are mandatory- unless we don't invite you. Steer clear of little girls circling your house. And if you hear people at night around your house, please understand that manhunt is underway, and do not blow our cover. This place is inhabited by Donlons. This is a place of nightly smores parties/bonfires/pizza dinners. A game of Sorry! In general, this is the most amazing place on earth. Oh yeah, and get to the showerhouse early. The line is killer.
Person 1: Where are you going this summer?
Person 2: Cook's.
Person 1: LUCKY!!!!!!
by THEAWESOMECOUSINS December 30, 2011
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Slang term: Describing the old condition of somebody's shoes or clothing.
You been rocking those AirMax kicks for a year. Them shits is cooked!
by GabberNYC December 14, 2006
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When something travels or accelerates at an unusually fast rate.
The Z06 (corvette) is cooking off the line.
by David (DK) Alagozian August 12, 2005
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To get insulted or made fun of by another person. If they get support from bystanders or a viewing audience then it is extra effective, whether the insults are true or not.

Shoes are a typical target for "cookings".

blazed, riffed, insulted
Cooker"Hey you bought those ugly ass shoes at once upon a child!"

the Cooked "What ?"

Cook watchers"OHHHH you just got cooked !"
by vibraphone July 7, 2010
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"Soohoos only eat cookes and never poop them out."
by Allen December 8, 2003
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adj; Having extremely dark skin. Commonly used by black people to make fun of Africans. The term isnt meant to be derogatory, just funny.
Terrell: "you see that nigga ova there?"

Leroy: "damn that nigga cooked"

Terrell: "word, he dark as fuck"

by I'd beat September 19, 2011
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The epitome of intoxication (generally through canabis, people are generally called "cooked" once they find it impossible to contain a smile or giggles, and look like someone has poured red paint into their eyes.
"Dude, did you see how fucked up Jeremiah was?"

"Yeah, man! That cunt was absolutely cooked"
by Words of anarchy August 26, 2015
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