where a couple of fuck-ups killed a bunch of people at school and caused a national outrage in which the senators started bitching about movies and music and videogames again. fuck the senators.
"i belive videogames are the source of these shootings"- bitch ass senator
by mr. happy April 12, 2004
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Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Aquilegia native to north temperate regions, cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers that have petals with long hollow spurs. Also called aquilegia.

\Col"um*bine\, a. L. columbinus, fr. columba dove. Of or pertaining to a dove; dovelike; dove-colored. ``Columbine innocency.'' --Bacon.

v. co·lum·bine
v. co·lum·bined, co·lum·bine, co·lum·bines
v. tr.

To destroy completely: Sarah thought she could sing, but I totally columbined her illusion.
To reduce to nonexistence.
To defeat decisively; vanquish.
To nullify or render void; abolish.

2. To destroy the form or peculiar distinctive properties of, so that the specific thing no longer exists; as, to columbine a forest by cutting down the trees. ``To columbine her hymen.'' --B ongLoader420

3. To destroy or eradicate, as a property or attribute of a thing; to make of no effect; to destroy the force, etc., of; as, to columbine an argument, law, rights, goodness, or a school.
"Holy Columbine, Batman, those Nazis sure don't like them Jews."

"Dude, I would so go columbine on her fine ass."

"There were these 8 gangstas all flailin' at eachother with weapons; it was columbindemonium."
by BongLoader420 October 13, 2004
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An admittedly very tragic event that happened THREE YEARS AGO.
It is time for the country to move on and stop letting fear run the lives of its people. If we allow fear to control what we do or how we act, then those two assholes won.
I can't wear a jacket into class when I'm cold because everyone is still hung up about Columbine.
by Silence January 28, 2004
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Some fuckers who set out to kill hundreds but failed and killed only 13
by Nigga with a rocketlauncher December 8, 2017
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a describing word for some one who looks like the kids who were responsible for columbine.
Dark mascara, black fingernails, face and body piercings, lots of necklaces, social outcasts,
angry and scary, hates everyone, takes part in "cutting", likes pentagrams, and worships satan.
"I'm not going through that line, that kid is looking at me all columbine".
"Every since Bobby started smoking crystal meth, he seems all columbine"
by kmoney 801 July 10, 2006
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A horrible meal that is the result of a massacre in the kitchen.
His mother cooked Thanksgiving dinner, it was a culinary columbine.
by NCdubmixer November 21, 2009
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