Can be a well-natured creature at times. Will react violently if angered. Does not tolerate outright rudeness. This creature likes to show off what its got. It does not like its hair to be pulled, even slightly, in this situation it will become angry and violent quickly. Will not be shown up by anybody, refuses to back down. The creature becomes vunerable when in a hungry state. Does not like narrow mindedness. Creature is good to look at though can become nervous and aggitated if stared at. Has been known to have mental problems. Don't mess with it, it will cut your limbs off.
by chissers January 14, 2010
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A shy, down to earth; intelegent, brave girl. She is shy if you have just met her but after you get to know her she is CRAZY. She likes reading and writing. She is tall and she connects with everyone. She gives good advise and can often fix problems or fights between people. She is beautiful. She often comes off as a show off at times and she gives you a hard time if you think of anything negative. She wants to make a difference in the world ,to help everyone and everything. She just loves harsh jokes and her smile is like angels blessed her with the most beautiful smile ever. People often think of her as a nerd but she is not.
Never give Christine an energy drink, she is hyper already.
by SymphonyStone123 December 1, 2014
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A demonicly posessed 1958 Plymouth Fury (from the Stephen King novel of the same title) that tries to help it's original owner return from death by bewitching a teen-aged outcast into becoming the host as well as killing all of his enemies and anyone else who attempts to interfere with "her" plans.
George LeBay: "*Her* name's Christine."

Arnie Cunningham: "I like that." -Christine the movie.
by T.Ractorhead December 3, 2006
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The most amazing person to walk this earth. Talented and funny. Usually complaining about her hatred for the state of New Jersey. Total music junkie, and a perfect example of a best friend. And you can't forget the sexy locks of flowing red hair.
I just want to hold Christine in my arms tonight.
by sexpants June 21, 2008
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A gorgeous and bubbly asian girl. One who is always in a good mood, laughs a lot, and lifts other's spirits. She has a smile on her face at all times and has what you would call the gift of "asian persuasion". One who has a weird aura (in some sense) around her, you can't explain it but she attracts toward her.
Boy One: I don't know what it is about this girl. I'm really falling for her, everything about her. I just don't know what it is.

Boy Two: Dude I know what you mean, I can't put my finger on it. I guess that's why they call her Christine.
by PseudoLOVER27 November 21, 2009
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is a rock 'n' roller, rescuer, is a 16 out of a hotness 1-10 gauge, better than all the woman you have known and every time you hear the name think of the Christine you let slip away. She's embedded in your heart for life, and your wife hates her.
wife- wanna watch that awesome 80's movie "christine"
YOU- (christine that chick i used to date who is hotter than my wife is even now?) Yeah I love that name..i mean uhhhh
by falandereer90 July 15, 2010
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christin is an amazing person who is very unique, she will love you and trust you until you give her reasons not to. Christin is very sarcastic and mean, if she dont like you she will not hide it for the life of her. she can and will be friends with any and everyone but is very opinionitive and wont hold it back, she s also a fighter
wow look at christin
oh yea i know her, shes hot

and she has a great personality

yea considering what shes been through
by Big bitch69 March 1, 2019
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