A gaming platform where you get called a gay bitch constantly and get killed by 3 year olds
"lets go play battlefield 4 because call of duty is pissing me off with the squeakers"
by KnightTalos March 30, 2015
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One of the reasons why you're single
Michelle: Ever wonder why you're single
Dave: Why?
Michelle: Because you play Call of Duty!
by xXxUDxXx February 10, 2016
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Call of Duty - A game filled with bitching 5 year old kids with parents who will yell at you when their kid threatens to hack you. Sure it was fun for a while until cheaters, boosters, and modders came in. Tantrums, Threats, and Hackers are only half of what makes cod a bullshit game.
Here is what happens in an average Call Of Duty Game:


Adult: "Kid, fuck off and get a life"

Kid: "Shut up you bitch ass cunt whore fuck ass"

Adult: "Bro, do u even lift?"


Adult: "... Yeah sure"
*gets booted offline*
Kid: "Cracker not gonna-" *gets hacked*
*Adult comes back*
Adult: "Wow what a fag"
Normal Player: "Bro, that was kinda extreme."
Adult: "YOU WANNA GO TO????
by I Shit on Hippies November 23, 2013
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A game where every game for different releases come as the same game. Every sequel is the same game, just an update in weapons and title
Best comment ever - Call of Duty Black Ops and Call of Duty Modern Warfare...I can't tell the difference except for the front cover
by CraigTheTruthSeeker October 30, 2013
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1) A scripted WWII shooter made by a large chunk of the medal of honour team. Historically acurate, and one of the best WWII multiplayer games available. Unfortunately, it suffers in single player from two sources. First, it is extremely scripted and not freeline enough for some people. Secondly, the enemies have the annoying habit of getting up as soon as you kill them and on harder dificulties seem to be way to accurate. A must buy for people who like that sorta game.

2) A phrase referring to conscription in world wars I and II.
1) I just completed call of duty. Man, that game is amazing.

2) When their country called, they answered the call of duty.
by Aratos February 22, 2004
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