We walked into the party and everyone was already all blind.
by dfunk March 17, 2008
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When somebody has no clue how to do something and offers someone else some help.
Jimmy"hey kim, can I help you re-install windows?"

kim: "you don't know how to install windows! That would be like the blind leading the blind."
by thenastybutler February 4, 2010
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penis, usually of young boy, over which foreskin may not be drawn back, phymosis
that teenager's got a right pointy blind end
by Attilla the Hump June 13, 2003
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someone that baby sits shadowleet 24/7
Blind heals shadowleet for 1337
by divz November 8, 2005
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lying on a table with a bottle of jimmy
Man 1: wats he doing lying on the table
Man 2: He's blind
by Niblib May 17, 2006
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Something a person will ask if you are when not paying attention.
What, are you blind? That's wet cement.
by Balfdor June 16, 2007
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(verb) When somebody is looking at you...you grab your crotch and say "Blind!"
when somebody has their back turned to you,...you grab your crotch(Michael Jackson style) and you say "do you want the rest of this?" and when the other person turns around they catch the Blind!
by dcorelone April 20, 2006
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