Abby Bauer is a girl who barks at her Spanish teacher and at the weird girl who meows at lunch. Abby is usually found in western Pennsylvania unless she has a Illinois party to attend or she was let out of her cage
(Person1) oh shoot I just barked at my teacher!

(Person2) wow Man you pulled an Abby Bauer!
by Whiteboard November 21, 2019
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1.) Jack Bauer, a Field Agent on TV program 24. Aleneng, a superhero and an all round cool dude. Kinda like action man but with better hair. Works for CTU (Counter Terrorist Unit), Los Angeles.

2.) To pull a Jack Bauer is to perform a heroic act, such as save the world from evil Middle Eastern terrorists (who always seem to be working with the British. Well that's a compliment.).
1.) Wow, Jack Bauer saved the world again. Too bad he has a dumb ass daughter like Kim who went off with some ugly prick in series 3.

2.) Look i saved the world again. I'm such a Jack Bauer!
by KillYouAll June 3, 2005
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Two words that seem to comprise a name, but are in fact sentence modifiers and word replacements of epic and biblical proportions. They can literally squeeze their way into any sentence in the English language, and should be used to their fullest.
Note, Brett Bauer does not need to appear in order in a sentence, nor does it need to be in its entirety (ie: just "brett" or "bauer" is okay. "Brett my bauer!", "You totally bretted your bauer on your skateboard last night", "The problem with your car appears to be a loose bretters and desperate need of a bauer change"
by The Zamboni September 14, 2008
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To save the United States from going to war with three Middle Eastern Countries only hours after you flat-line and were revived by a clinic OD.
I Jack Bauered your ass!

Kim Jack Bauered that mountain lion upon encountering it in the woods.
by AbbyErGr April 28, 2005
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The most awesome character to have ever hit T.V
There would be no 24 without Jack Bauer
by cass leigh December 20, 2006
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v. jack bauer

1. to hurry
2. to run out of time
by davidoc May 10, 2005
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Bauer memes is the best meme page on insta you can never go wrong with all the dark and light humour they post all day!!
Girl: Are you following bauer memes on Instagram @bauer.memes?
The boy who likes her: No im not man I feel like such a queer for not following him...
by MICHELINMAN April 13, 2019
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