What -usually a cat- or anyone else does by putting there feet -or paws- by a heat source.
"Awww look at your cat! He's baking his lil beans by the fire"

Just you know... baking the beans.
by DragonsBane07312000 March 31, 2021
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When you cum on a girl who has a bush
Man. Guess what i did last night?

I bushes baked beans a girl
by Andrewsium December 30, 2017
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a person who has reached the age of 57. hence the name Heinze'57'.
baked beans.

Dave: How olds your wife now, mate? Must be getting on a bit now.
Derreck: Baked beans, mate!
Dave: OH Heinze '57' is she?
by Olly Hall August 21, 2008
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Zeus: Hestia!

Hestia: Yes, my lord?

Zeus: I have a very special request. It consists of the creamy dairy and rounded crop of the mortals.

Hestia: No! You mean...

Zeus: Yes... CEAN.

The gods ate well that night, up in Mount Olympus.

Sometime in the future:

Mythologists: *reading ancient texts* YES! I've got it! 'tis cheese and baked beans in a delicate dish of the gods!
by ceanoay May 31, 2022
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Baked Beans are Bean/Jae's fans. They are not a very popular fandom, but are just as great as the others. They luv Bean very much.
Charli fan: I'm a Charli fanpage, our fandom is called the Dunkins!

Bean fan: I'm a Bean fanpage, our fandom is called the Baked Beans!

b e s t i e s
by Brae's bullshit March 8, 2021
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A baked bean is when someone can be described as a "bean" but also be hot. It is when they are simultaneously cute and hot.
Jen: Yeah, Steve is really cute, but he's also hot.
Alex: Yeah, he's a baked bean.
by zinkii October 3, 2021
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