a bunch of white domestic terrorist 18 - 29 year old soy boy non binary trans college kids who like to run around and beat up people with different political opinions under the guise of anti fascism.
"Hey who are those skinny kids in black burning that american flag?"

"ugh, probably antifa at it again"
by gbbiv October 19, 2020
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Also known as the Degenerate Plague, the revolting disease, the decay, the despair, the drug addled destruction.

The only known cure requires the use of a helicopter, but failing that putting backs on walls will suffice.
''I can't believe I just stepped in antifa!... Pass me that stick''
by Hi sniveling leftist cuck November 2, 2020
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white supremacy
pro-fascist real nazi

losers who cant make it in this world so hate the rich

use blm for their own pleasure
my antifa hail um freedom..lets go blend in with BLM and burn down their neighbors yeah white power. while yelling n word and calling a brown republican group racist
by oneof2genders May 2, 2021
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The terrorist organization, Antifa, is full of tattooed up white kids in skinny jeans, who think their tough. Antifa hires a bunch of dumbass kids to brings, riots, fights, and MURDER!!
Antifa is A communist terrorist organisation!
by Savageoperator March 4, 2021
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ANTIFA shares many parallels with the Bible, despite being secular. Much like the inception of all things bad in the Bible, ANTIFA traces it's origins back to what members refer to as 'Original Soyn.'

Original Soyn is celebrated on Dec 25th, and harkens back to a seminal event described in their holy book, The Wokerinomicron.

On a winter's day in 1993, an epileptic Seattle teen was in attendance at Our Lord Adam Schiff school of Virtue Community college and Vape Shop, in a Privilege Acknowledgement class.

Feeling a tingle in the back of her head, she rose to her feet, fearing a seizure. But this was no seizure. Gripping the table, she began shaking violently. Images and instruction began filling her head from an unknown source. Foaming at the mouth and losing control of her bowels, she collapses into a heap, continuously farting.

Upon awaking, she began at write down what she had experienced. These are the tenets of modern day ANTIFA, and these writings became the Wokerinomicron.

ANTIFA strictly adhere to making themselves very puny, easily led, cowardly, incestuous and self-loathing, as their doctrine dictates.
Al Sharpton: Dey shot anotha black mayn out hurr. For nuthin. We gon burn this mutha down.
Chris Cuomo: Shocking. All he did was shoot his baby mamma and run at cops with a chainsaw while on bath salts. When will this rayciss end? Luckily, ANTIFA is just an idea and won't riot
by TheSaltergeist June 5, 2021
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A political group claiming to fight fascism using only facist mesures. End goal: Global communism under rule of violence.
Michelle: Hey Paul, antifa sure act fascist. How come they claim they are agianst it?

Paul: People are stupid Michelle.
by Eojot January 5, 2019
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Antifa, short for anti-fascist. A global empowering movement with strong ties to Germany, Italy, France, Denmark and other mostly European & Latin American countries who've experienced extreme forms of racism, fascism, bigotry, or even ethnic genocide.

A term used to describe anyone on earth who is united in standing against oppression, bigotry, sexism, fascism & racism in all its forms.

A broad all-encompassing umbrella term used by oppressed people to push back against their oppressors. A means to serve justice when hope for justice is bleak.

In America, it has given rise to the anti-antifa movement, which is really the surfacing of a group of neo-nazis, neo-fascists, neo-kkk, neo-confederate, extreme racists, anti-immigrant hate groups, quasi-nationalist white trash and other confederate flag-waving "this is my America" snowflakes.

To be anti antifa is to be pro-fascist, pro-racist, pro-sexist, pro-bigot, pro-nazi, pro-kkk, or rather, just a bigoted racist sexist fascist neo-nazis klan member, or what we call the "alt-right". They're either too stupid to realize that or too scared to say it to anyone but their fellow hillbillies. Their endearing toothless smiles and single pair of overalls don't even garner sympathy from anyone on planet eaeth. But, true to form, they think America is the center of the universe & antifa is something American rather than global. They think white is a race, and America should be white. Its a sad thing.
Example 1:
German: "we won't tolerate anymore fascism or racism from anyone"

American hillbilly: "we're white, and that means we're like the Nazis, if you're a true white"

German: "wtf is white?"

Example 2:

Antifa member: "I'm taking a stand against racism, sexism, fascism, bigotry, white nationalism, hillbillyism, & stupidity"

White trash: "oh yeah? Insult everyone I know will ya? Well then I'm taking a stand against you!"
by YakushijiTenzen June 22, 2017
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