Instant messanger service and software.

The software sucks. Don't download it. It runs as slow as a turtle and displays all kinds of ads and contains spyware. Use Trillian instead to prevent frustration and viruses.
SHIT. AIM comes with Viewpoint Media Player. Aw crap more popups.
by 1069 October 25, 2005
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the downfall of society.
pre AIM- Hello sir, how are you doing?

post AIM- fuck you.
by kevin21boston October 2, 2006
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The worst Instant Messanger ever, people only use it because everyone else has AIM, and the reason they do is because everyone else does.
On AIM, our avatars are uber tiny and this program makes my computer run like a turtle . . . with turtleitus.
by FlareNUKE October 10, 2006
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Something that commonly contains many other aim names, but are also commonly rarely talked to.
Person: I have 126 names in my aim buddy list, but only chat with 5 of them on a regular basis. The rest, however, barely if ever.
by Katopolis December 22, 2004
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A chat prog that every teen seems to have. Most AIM chat rooms talk about:

-sup! a/s/l/pic
-IM a hott age/sex, press ## if you want to chat
teen 1: Dude! catch ya on AIM
teen 2: K Dude

by dot dot dot July 13, 2003
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Most Popular Instant Messageing program amongst teens that adults and "intelligent people" bash because teens use a lot of aconyms like brb (be right back) or ttyl (talk to you later) now seriously would you want to be writing a four word pharse or just type 4 letters while your probably on the phone and talking to like 5 different people teens jsut dont have think about it
AIM convorsation

Teen: yea ill bbl ttys
Teen2: k cu soon

*parent walks in* "type like a normal person!"
by whitty41 May 7, 2006
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AIMS (Alcohol In Mouth Selfie) - a selfie picture taken whilst an alcoholic beverage lays at the entrance of ones mouth. Used to inform companions that one is 'getting his/her drink on' or that an event is about to get 'lit'.
Oliver: *Takes an AIMS (selfie with beer bottle at the entrance to his mouth) and sends to the group chat*
Hugh: "Oliver is getting lit tonight, I better check his Snapchat Story to see what he gets up to"
by luvs2spooge4u June 6, 2017
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