Usually refers to amphetamine HCl or amphetamine sulfate (the active ingredient in adderall). It's the best way to fly through loada of homework and chores. It may sometimes contain isopropylamphetamine to mimic extended release formulas. If it's just amphetamine salts, it acts like a instant release formula. The oral dose range is 5mg to 20mg mixed in juice, water, or an energy drink. Not recommended to be taken more than twice a week.
I took 10mg of adderall powder and it was awesome. College became fun and all the subjects they force on you that's unrelated to your field of atudy became less dull for a while. Chores were fun too. It goes grwat with fluorenol, nefiracetam, and prolintane. Cycle it on and off.
by CognitiveFuel April 8, 2015
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Taking an adderall and promptly taking a nap. Very similar to a coffee nap.

The objective of an adderall nap is to get some sleep/rest without having to worry about sleeping too long or waking up groggy.

Ideally, you would get to sleep before the adderall kicks in and the adderall will gently wake you once it has.
Friend: when are you coming over?

Me: I'm not sure. I'm super tired, so I'm thinking about taking an adderall nap.
by Dina Coco July 8, 2018
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Amphetamine. Often used to get stuff done.
With adderall powder, homework and chores are a breeze. Even exercising's a breeze.
by CognitiveFuel April 8, 2015
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When a male takes adderall and his dick can't get fully hard
Is it cold out or do u have adderall dick
by Totesgerman March 18, 2016
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When the Adderall starts to wear off and you start coming down, abandoning the user in a desolate fit of mania. As the body begins to go through withdrawal, one can easily start to become furious and enraged. It's an evil side effect and can really mess with the user. Known to crank regular road rage up to the next level. Everything in life is seen as a complete burden and pain in the ass. Violent thoughts swarm the user's mind and if the rage is severe enough, the destructive thoughts can easily morph into brutal actions.

The best remedy to stave off such murderous rage is a good ol' jolt of mary jane. Remedy dosage will need to be adjusted accordingly in relation to Adderall consumption.
Adderall Rage excerpt:

"Fuck it hasn't even been 8 fucking hours yet and my fucking Adderall is already wearing off. What the fuck, this is fucking bullshit. I could fucking stab someone in the face right now, I'm fucking serious. Fucking sick of this shit, man. Did you just see that asshole cut me off? And now she thinks she's gonna drive nice and slow, does she?? THAT'S IT, FUCK THIS BITCH. BUCKLE THE FUCK UP JIMMY, I'M GONNA KILL THIS BITCH. I'M RAGED AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!! TAKE COVER AMERICA."

*Slams on the gas pedal, sending the car straight ahead into the soccermom's loaded minivan. A massive fireball erupts and everyone within a one-mile radius of the explosion dies a horrible and vicious death of flames and agony....everyone except Jimmy.*
by Adderall Popper July 21, 2009
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To take Adderall consistently for extended periods of time to accomplish certain goals, objects, or long period tasks while ignoring family and friends until the goal, object, or long period task is finished.
Greg: Ay dude, where have been lately?
John: This last semester of college was so fast paced I had to commit Adderall Suicide to pass.
by #IrickStyle November 9, 2014
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The repeated movements people do while on medium to high doses of Adderall. Examples of this include, but are not limited to:

1. Standing in place while swaying your hips from side to side.

2. Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, then swinging your left foot to touch your right foot, back to shoulder width apart, then swinging your right foot to touch your left foot, back to shoulder width apart. Repeat.
I just walked by Matt's office. Guess what I saw... The Adderall Shuffle.
by dankoni October 23, 2009
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