a smelly tramp who drinks a lot and feels tough in a crowd . Will pick a fight if you walk in their air zone and will pick a fight if you dont

female neds get pregnant at 8 and have 30 children by the time they are 12.

male neds will sleep with ugly female neds who probably have a gold ring up their cunt.

Neds wear lots of cheap jewellery made by an immigrant

Neds are unemployed but still manage to survive

I will wipe them out in due course
Am no a ned ya pure bas
by Steven October 28, 2004
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A ned is in no way an acronym for 'non-educated delinquient' as so many people have stated on this site considering the correct grammatical term would be UN-educated delinquient. This myth was popularised incorrectly by MSP Rosie Kane who attempted to have the word banned stating that it was hurtful to those it was lablelling, implying that they were non-educated.
Ironically in this stunning grammatical error, Kane has shown a true example of an UNeducated urn of phrase.

what is more likely is the term came from the 1950s' 'teddy boy' gangs who dressed in edwardian style clothing altough this is largely disputed as well.
Rosie Kane - They are being labled as non-educated delinquients thats not right

anyone who stayed in school after they were 6 - i think you mean uneducated now get back to your overpriced, falling down excuse of a parliment and attempt to give an actual shit about scotland
by the notorious gmacp April 12, 2006
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There are not enough words in the world to describe this boy. His smile is worth more than my own happiness, his love is worth life itself and he himself is worth everything. I always thought that love was easy, but with him it's hard but you will still choose to love him because how could you honestly not? When you meet him you will spend every wish wanting him, every dreaming hoping for him and every moment, thinking of him. He is so much more perfect than he will ever know. But I'm pretty sure that he know a that he is good looking. When you find yourself a Ned, hold on with all you've got because you'll never want to let go.
by Riley34 January 20, 2021
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I have no words... Ned is someone that you are just drawn to. Some who makes you smile. Someone who makes you laugh. If the time is right you will find yourself doing way more than catching feelings, you'll find yourself falling in love. He is so loyal, kind and worthy.if you ever find yourself a Ned hold them close to your heart and never let go because if you do... He will move on. Ned was born to be social with his sexy, cheeky, mischevious grin and upturned hair. Love Ned with all your heart for their is no one person that you will ever love more. I love you Ned.
by Riley34 December 26, 2020
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Acronym for Non Educated Delinquent. Usually boys age 12-20 that hang around in "teams" or gangs. Often get into trouble with the law, usually for underage drug use, drunkenness, gang fighting, or sometimes petty theft. NEDS often fight other teams of NEDS, using weapons such as knives, bats, crow bars, glass bottles, brass knuckles, really anything that will do damage that is inexpensive. These gang fights are fought on bridges, alleyways, or other paved areas. During most fights, a few members will be significantly injured, but most will walk away with bruises, black eyes, small cuts. Nowadays, NEDS usually wear sports clothes, such as track suits, trainers, sports caps turned to odd angles, and usually fake jewelry. Their fashion has changed greatly in the last couple of decades. During the 70's many NEDS wore leather/jean jackets/long coats, or usually a jacket that would provide some protection against stabbings, with a tucked in shirt underneath the jacket. They would often wear Doc Marten long boots, and denim jeans. NEDS have become more and more stupid in the way they act, dress and live over the years. NEDS are now the mockery of Glasgow, and Scottish cities. They are now also known to claim government welfare, and suck off of society. They used to just be groups of tough guys, that would fight each other. Now they contribute to many problems that Scotland faces today, including a cycle of dependency of government assistance, underage pregnancy, and poverty.
Why do NEDS wear fucking track suits now? -Guy 1
I don't fucking know, they look like a big bunch a cunts, and they won't last a minute against a fucking blade. -Guy 2
by scotswin July 28, 2014
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An annoying human being. Into drugs, drink. All countries have neds. They don't talk properly.
Don't go near him . He's a ned
He's a wee ned.
by celticman67 June 26, 2016
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Short for Edward; A very handsome and sexy guy with a jacked body, and would be considered a gym-rat although he does his workouts at home. He thinks he's a roadman but it's funny so don't mention it around him. He's incredibly good at lying and tricking people, and will sometimes make you feel like the dumbest person in the room, (which you are). Despite this, he's one of the sweetest people you'll ever meet. He acts very different around the people he's close to and he's incredibly caring, for someone that wears adidas religiously. He's the kind of guy that would probably emote irl but he'd make it look cool, cuz he's Ned. He also has a really shitty music taste but he firmly believes that everyone should like it. Behind his roadman facade, he's super loving and is actually very submissive in the bedroom. He likes it if you meow during intercourse, and he likes to be tied up as Ned's a kinky little kitten. However, he's one of the coolest and nicest people you'll ever meet, and once you meet a Ned, your life will never be the same.
A: Woah, look at Ned's abs - he's totally jacked!

B: Fr, I just wanna tie him up and meow for him
by sxmplyelena January 5, 2023
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