Bozo is often used to qualify a fat , lazy,dumb person

Bozo is a word used for someone who react slow , act stupid, dullard
Ryan is a BOZO,he said only black guys smoked weed.

Ryan his a BOZO he has a job interview at 9am ,he woke up at 8:49 and started playing video game,saying he will rewind the clock to 7 am
by Petr otuwe December 16, 2018
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Clown ass motherfuckers that be acting stupid or being messy
Yo did you hear bout wat dat bozo ass bitch did again she still fuckin wit my manz ima have to put a cap in ha ass if she keep acting stupid on me.
by LiiaSantana November 19, 2018
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A fool, so stupid and dumb, that even he himself cannot comprehend it.
Boy: My math teacher literally walked past me cheating during a test, and didn't realize!
Friend: Hahaha what a big bozo!
Boy: I know right? He gave me a 100% too!
by yeetus cleetus February 14, 2022
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Someone who is desperate for anything and will be overconfident if achieved, even if it's petty and small.
Person 1 is ahead of person 2 by one point.

Person 1: Big Bozo in need of some competition
Person 2: They really flexing 1 point
by QueenofDragons April 10, 2022
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a person with 3 iq and wont shut up
Man 1: the dictionary definition of primates is (ect)
Man 2: shut up you bimbling baboon bozo know one cares
by The amibigous definitor June 26, 2022
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