Scottish Slang for Valium (also known as "blues")
"Fuck up and tan a scooby doo you need tae chill"

"Aw mate a took like 5 a them scoobs yesterday and I heavy blacked oot"
by Scoobiedoobiedoo November 7, 2021
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A hot doggie who will bark for u anytime. Gifted with a good personality and a massive doggy shlong. His face is majesticly shaped. DOnt be afraid to approach him, he wont bite ;)
"Yooo, is that Scooby Doo?"
"Bark Bark"

I dont know man
by Scooby Dooby Doo Doo Doo November 24, 2022
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"Evertime it rains it rains, pennies from the heaven *Scooby doobey*
by Matt is wrong January 11, 2021
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a group of teenagers that only care about trucks,boges,quads and country music. You will find most of them at ur local park exchanging dime bags of weed and drugs to each other. They often travel in large groups to seem tough. If u say something slightly negitive about there familys or them they will want to fight u because of it. and because of the first fight more scoob fights will soon follow just so they can get attention. they are deathly afraid of the cops because most of them already have criminal charges for senseless crimes. they treat there home state of urban NJ like its the louisiana byou. they think its cool to dress in hunting camo talk about muddin, fishing and the constant battle between ford and chevy
by anon EHS kid February 19, 2014
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"Bro did u just scooby my boobie?"
"yeh m8, it was gr8"
by Sheeyee September 30, 2019
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a fluid attainable when attending the birth of scooby doo and shaggy's love child. birth fluid, if you may.

hold on, wait, that's just my username.

bro 1: yo what r u drinking?
bro 2: solid scooby juices, bruvva
bro 1: damn how's the baby??>
by miss stank February 21, 2022
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