when a person is disrespectful to people who are in the lgbqt+ communty, they mostly are also transphobic. and they are mostly some white boy who is 7 years old and tries to be different, so if you see a homophobic person dont be shy to punch them in their face 😊
person 1: hey you f slur
person 2: you know that thats homophobic
person 1: yeah ik who the fuck cares

person 2: * punches them in their face*
by ant_catcher April 13, 2022
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Someone who is against the LGBTQ+ community is called 'Homophobic'
Person : "Hey, I head Jennifer is Homophobic"
by pLuto_beaR March 9, 2021
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Friend 1: Yo, I can't find information on Bing for the sexualities
Friend 2: You must be looking them up on Bing then, it's a very homophobic browsing engine.
by Dante go b r r r November 9, 2020
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guy 1: so who won the election
guy 2: idk biden?
guy 1: biden deez nuts
guy 2: *screaming*
guy 1: lol homophobic
by Urban dick down the street September 16, 2021
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Chrisrebel, Christian campos jurado. A man that hates gay people
Chrisrebel is homophobic
by Homophobic nigga January 25, 2021
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Being scared of people who like the same gender
Guy 1: hey look over there a gay person
Guy 2: ahhhhh-
Guy 1: I'm just kidding dude calm down
Guy 2: dude, I'm homophobic don't do that you know gay people give me the willies
by Jeijah February 2, 2021
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