When You take chopsticks, put them in your mouth then make a loud whale/ walrus noise while having sexual intercourse with your partner.
by iuhdsiuh June 11, 2010
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When your girls pussy looks like the mouth of a walrus.
"I wonder why I can't maintain a relationship"

"I guarantee it's because of your walrus syndrome"

"You might be right my pussy is pretty gross"

by Tittyspanker47 January 23, 2017
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When you're getting head and about to cum so you shove her head down unexpectedly so that cum shoots out her nostrils making her look like a angry walrus.
I gave Gabby a angry walrus last night and she made me sleep on the couch
by Sickplumb September 18, 2019
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After a guy blows a wad in a chicks mouth, he puts two fingers over the center of her lips and punches her in the stomach, which causes the jizz to run out of the sides of her mouth and look like walrus tusks.
I did the belching walrus to Suzy last night, she was pissed.
by tttttttttt2121 November 23, 2009
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Alex you better get on your girl, she's got major Blue Walrus going on. She's frisky as fuck and it's distracting me from my work.
by Bubbles69! August 20, 2020
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A sex move, with the man on top. Similar to missionary, but the does not hold himself up. Instead just flop around like a beached walrus.
“Oh bro, you totally should have been there, I just did the floppy walrus and she loved it!”
by Rubydoooooooo April 7, 2022
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When you don't have a good comeback like ,"fucking Jew Bagel," so you think of random shit. If you tried to define this Y0ur m0m Gay!
Awww you shit on my head you fucking Irish Walrus.
by Thickest B0Y March 28, 2018
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